Rippln is a cutting edge, one of a kind mobile app platform that makes it possible for anybody to profit from the exploding mobile application industry!
Ripplin is a brand new FREE mobile application that will change the way we communicate. It's the first mobile platform to reward people for their own social network. Rippln is a new viral mobile app that is going to grow possibly faster than Email and Facebook!
The Rippln app brings long-overdue transparency to the social engagement business and has created a new monetary model for "eyeball acquisition". With Rippln, people will finally be able to see the impact of their social graph on the market and have the chance to profit from it.
This transparency is important because in recent years huge companies and apps have relied on users' social influence to grow their companies by one person telling another person. Until Rippln, that influence had never been disclosed, although it is clearly valuable.
Once users are put into the profit equation, there may be no going back.
This is your golden opportunity to put yourself in position to capitalize on these three emerging markets: Mobile, Apps and Gamification.